Friday, August 26, 2011

I'm Here

In Montreal for my fourth day. First Quebecois hangover courtesy of my first Quebecois party where I drank my first Quebecois beer and "vodka and a pickle."

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

How to Say Goodbye

A friend of mine moved today. He visited me at work to get one last coffee before he left. He hugged me tight and told me that out of all of his friends, he's known me the least longest, but he'll miss me the most.
I cried. No, weeped. One last hug and he was gone, leaving me in a puddle of melted mascara and discarded espresso grounds. It's not that I'll never see him again. It just won't be soon, or often.
I hadn't realized until that moment just how quickly we're all moving.
I'm leaving in 13 days. Time has been slipping past and it still hasn't felt like anything's changing.
Very soon I'll be hundreds of miles from everyone I know. I wish I wasn't such an ugly crier.