Friday, December 31, 2010

Ta ta twenty ten!

I don't believe in New Year's resolutions. If you're going to make a change, why wait for the new year? Like Nike, just do it. That being said, as the calendar comes to an end, I always have the same thoughts in the back of my head. Eat better, exercise more, save money. I never end up following through with anything. We're all thinking of the new year and the possibilities it holds, but few of us act upon it. Instead of looking ahead, today I'm looking back.
2010 was a good year. It didn't start out that way. In fact, it was the worst New Year's so far. I drank too much, embarrassed myself entirely, dry heaved into my friend's toilet, sobered up slightly, went way out of my way to go find my boyfriend who was pained by my mere presence (even when sober), and ended up spending the majority of January 1, 2010 at my boyfriend's friend's house with the worst hangover in history, sitting alone in a corner while my boyfriend ignored me. A few days later we ended our relationship of 2 years. I moved in with my two gay friends, got assigned as assistant stage manager for a play, and started focusing on my life. I loved and lost in a matter of 2 months. I auditioned for two theatre schools and got rejected by both. I began using film cameras, and I don't think I'll ever go back to digital. I got my motorcycle license and bought a scooter.I traveled to Vancouver to see the festival of lights and The Lion King. I decided that acting wasn't for me and chose to pursue production. I made new friends and became closer with old friends. I competed in the Vancouver International Latte Art Competition. I assistant stage managed another play. I drank, I danced, I laughed till I was hoarse, I cried till I was dehydrated, I played laser tag, I played piano, I dreamed big, I had disappointments, I made mistakes, and I appreciated the little things.
In the next year, if I eat crappy food, blow every pay cheque, and still don't fit into that dress, I won't mind as long as I've learned as much as I have this year.

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