Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Expect the little things.

There are a few humble reasons that led to the creation of this blog:
1. I often have interesting thoughts (at least I find them interesting) and I often wonder if anyone is on the same page as I am
2. I work in a coffee house. I interact with hundreds of people a day. Some are downtrodden old souls looking for a cup of joe. Others are arrogant business-like people who order complicated drinks to show off their success. Most of them are just regular people who aren't particularly interesting. They all have stories, and I'm here to tell them.
3. Sometimes I see things that need to be documented and discussed.

I will kick this thing off by throwing a #3 your way.
I had missed the bus home from work and as today was an unusually warm Autumn day, I decided to take a stroll through the lovely park that winds its way along a creek, between various homes and businesses, and conveniently leads almost all the way to my home. I am just recovering from a cold, so imagine me with a dry cough, runny nose, and stuffy brain. It was a truly remarkable day for a walk. The leaves are in various shades of green, yellow, orange and red. The ducks are playing in the ponds. The quail are rustling in the fallen leaves, darting to and fro. I turn a corner, eager to see what more Mother Nature will delight me with, when I spot a true beauty. There is a middle aged woman standing in the middle of the path holding the leash of a sad, ugly looking mutt which is shamelessly going #2. In her other hand is a lit cigarette. The woman is wearing an over sized grey T-shirt, faded pink slippers and, my God, no pants. Now, I've seen a questionable array of shorts, but this woman was actually factually not wearing any pants at all. This isn't a secluded path. There were other people walking along there. Old women who's hearts' may stop at a sudden startle, young mothers pushing strollers containing wee, traumatize-able children, and people recovering from colds who don't need polluted air or public indecency lurking around the corner. 
I've got a couple questions. "Where are her pants?" and "What was she thinking when she left the house?" 

More to come.

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