Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Go alone.

I only had to work 3 hours today. Fine by me. I strolled to work eager to snap a few shots of the lovely autumn leaves, but couldn't do so because I had to maintain a speedy pace in order to be on time. It was quite a lovely day all the same. My coworker suggested that I go downtown, buy a bargain book, and read by the lake. I thought that was an excellent idea. After my 3 hour jaunt at the old grind, I headed to the bus stop only to find out that the bus wasn't coming for another half hour. Instead of waiting impatiently as I usually do, I walked in the direction of downtown, planning to stop at a bus stop down the road and wait for it there. I ended up walking about halfway, a good kilometer and a half. I managed to grab a few pictures before crashing on a bus stop bench. I had barely eaten anything all day and my hunger hit me all at once. I survived the ride downtown without wasting away. I took a quick stroll along the waterfront, took a couple more pictures, then snagged a window seat in an empty sushi bar. I feasted on green tea, miso soup, and some variation of a dynamite roll, read the paper, people watched, then continued on my merry way. I passed a film crew who were shooting in the street then stopped in a book store and picked up a copy of Fragile Things. A collection of short stories by Neil Gaiman who I recently started following on twitter, not that that's important. I ordered a caramel apple cider from my usual coffee house, snuggled into an armchair, and cracked open my new book. There's something so satisfying about making the first crease in the spine of a paperback. Perhaps I only feel this way because I'm accustomed to reading used books. Whatever the case, I took note of the experience. I sipped my cider and read for about an hour. During that hour I looked up three times. Once to greet an elderly fellow who was sitting down in the arm chair next to mine, twice to observe a young man who was working with the film crew I had passed who came in to use the washroom, but as he was not a paying customer was demanded to sing an uneasy rendition of "Twinkle Twinkle" in exchange for the key to the washroom, and thrice for no good reason at all. The funny thing about the third time is that while absolutely nothing prompted me to look up, when I did, I met eyes with a boy who works at the coffee shop who as it seemed had come in for a cup of tea on his day off. I have somewhat of a silly schoolgirl crush on this boy, which is why I find it funny that I looked up when I did. Had it been 5 minutes before or after, I would never have known he was there. Fate? Probably not. But as the entire basis of my feelings for him are completely foolish, I'm going to say there was some sort of telepathic romantic energy goin' on. Like a homing device for boys I fancy was beeping in my brain. As I said, I was in there for probably an hour until I bookmarked my page, picked up my camera, and wished good day to the old chap next to me. I ran into a girl I went to highschool with at the bus stop. She lives across the street from my work, so I see her from time to time. We took the bus together, taking note of a speedy old lady who was sprinting across a busy street, dangerously close to oncoming traffic, in heels. Go Go G-ma! When I stepped off the bus, there was a beautiful pinkish purple sky winking at me. I took its picture and headed home.
I'll share the pictures when I get them developed.

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