Friday, October 22, 2010

Hard and fruity now. Soft and chewy later.

Yesterday was a remarkably good day. An old friend called me up and asked me to help prop shop for a play she's working on. We picked up another friend and the three amigos dollar store hopped around town.

If you've never experienced shopping for props, I shall explain. You have a props list of all the things that you need for the play. Usually these things have little relativity to each other. It's life or death as to whether you find the items and you need to get them all for as cheap as possible. It all makes sense to us, but to the poor dollar store cashier, all they see is a bunch of nuts running around yelling about bungee cables, debating which butterfly net looks more Russian, and weeping with joy when they find a rubber duck.

After laughing obnoxiously for far too long about suggestive candy bar descriptions, we set off to find a Y shaped stick to make a sling shot out of. It wasn't until I was looking for a loose branch that I realized how well maintained this city is. Even searching on a mountain proved fruitless. I ended up extending myself from a boardwalk, over a swamp in a bird sanctuary to pluck the winning branch from the reeds. Success!

It's a great feat going to bed smiling, but it's an entirely different achievement to go to bed laughing.

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